Jordi Savall i Bernadet (foto Georges Seguin via Wikipedia) was born in Igualada, Catalonia. His father was a communist who fought in the Spanish Civil War.

Jordi’s musical training started at age 6 in the school choir of his native town (1947-55). He later completed his training at the Barcelona Conservatory of Music (1959-65). During that time he earned his money as an impersonator of Elvis Presley.
Afterward, he began his specialisation in early music collaborating with Ars Musicae and studying at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland (1968-70).
In 1974 he formed the ensemble Hespèrion XX (since 2000 as Hespèrion XXI), together with the soprano Montserrat Figueras (his wife), Lorenzo Alpert and Hopkinson Smith. Hespèrion XX favored a style of interpretation characterised by great musical vitality and at the same time, maximum historical accuracy.
In 1987 he returned to Barcelona to found La Capella Reial de Catalunya, a vocal ensemble devoted to the interpretation of music prior to the 18th century.

Finally, in 1989 Savall created Le Concert des Nations, an orchestra that is generally dedicated to the baroque repertoire, but which sometimes also serves as an outlet for music that hails from the classical/romantic repertoire (e.g. Sinfonia a Gran Orquesta by Juan Crisótomo de Arriga).
More recently, Savall has performed with his family. The Savall family ensemble contains Jordi’s wife, Montserrat Figueras, his most important colleague, and their two children Arianna and Ferran. Arianna Savall plays the harp and sings, like her mother. Ferran Savall plays the theorbo (bass lute) and sings (not only with his family but also in jazz clubs in Barcelona).
Savall’s discography includes more than 100 recordings. Since 1998 he has released his records with his own label, Alia Vox.
On 2000 he was awarded with the Premi d’Honor Lluís Carulla, given to the people that has enforced the catalan feeling and helped the catalan language with their scientific, cultural or civic works.
Jordi Savall was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Universitat de Barcelona on 27th November 2006. In het conflict tussen de Spaanse regering en de Catalaanse independentisten in 2017, heeft de beroemde musicus de kant van de Catalaanse independentisten gekozen.


Ronny De Schepper, Jordi Savall used to impersonate Elvis Presley, Dagelijks iets degelijks 10 februari 2008

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